
Volunteers of Change is a network of activists and social workers dedicated to overall development of the local community. Okhla ─ a residential area on the southeastern border of the national capital of India, Delhi ─ remains the target community of this pioneering mission. This mission is ‘for the people’, ‘by the people’ and ‘of the people’ living in the jurisdiction of Okhla.

Volunteers of Change works on the principles of self-development and convergence of multiple efforts for a big change and on the dictum that small but steady wins the race.

Volunteers of Change does not believe in mobilizing huge resources and building institutions for development but in mobilizing human urge for change and to become better human beings and in the judicious utilization of existing resources and institutions.

All those who have any association with Okhla / Jamia Nagar can participate in this community development campaign.

“Join Volunteers of Change and target Okhla to be an ideal locality!”

Join Green Volunteers of Okhla, an initiative of Volunteers of Change