Here is a list and response to the frequently asked questions about the Volunteers of Change (VoC):

  1. What is the organizational structure of Volunteers of Change?

There is no strict organizational structure devised for the network. There is Convener who supervises its activities and Domain/Group Monitor who leads execution of decisions taken by the group members. If a Volunteer thinks that he/she can contribute in more than one group, he/she can contribute in such chosen groups.

  1. Why it has focused its activities to just a small territory?

It is sort of pilot project. If it succeeds in one place, it can be imitated by people at other places too, however with some local mutation.

Generally activists work for community development by focusing on one or more aspects of its development. Here, one small community has been targeted for an overall development. Problems are interconnected and better results can be achieved only by a holistic approach as regards a manageable sample of people.  Moreover, people in an area have an emotional relationship among themselves and also a wide range of human resources for any planned action. If these human potentials are intensely used for a certain time, it is possible to have better and faster results. Models abound in the process of social change by adopting one territory for diehard efforts like a nursery and then to spread its outcome in a wider universe. So the undertaken approach for the development of Okhla is nothing new and needs no evidence about its feasibility.

  1. Doesn’t it look ambitious and unachievable? Isn’t it better to take up one field at a time?

It is not ambitious at all. It is having only one thing in focus: to mobilize a few hundred volunteers of the area and engage them in some mutually agreed planned activities according to the envisaged fields or domains. The main work of the Volunteers will be to sensitize local people to empower themselves with information, awareness, education and resources required for their overall development and do the needful for leading a quality life.

  1. What a Volunteer will gain from his/her association with the network?

He/she will be self-satisfied with a contributory role in changing is surroundings. He/she will improve his/her own hope level and positivity in life. His/her efforts will bring small and steady change around, bringing quality to his/her life and qualitative change in one’s family and neighbors, and also for better life of coming generations.

  1. How the funds for the network’s activities are mobilized?

Every Volunteer has to regularly pay whatever amount one would like or can afford for regular activities. On some occasions, public donations may also be raised for any public oriented activity.

  1. How decisions are taken in the network?

There is a Coordination Committee at the apex, which takes major decisions in monthly or special meetings. It comprises the convener, experts and monitors of domains. Besides, every domain/group has freedom to plan its own course of action. Some time, wider consultation is also organized for involving community leaders and experts for a particular activity.

  1. Can members of other organizations and political parties join the network?

There is no bar on it. But, they should extend their cooperation without thinking of partisan benefits. Members of political parties, social organizations and NGOs can join the network but they should work beyond their particular lines and policies.

  1. Is the Volunteers of Change linked to any organization, party or ideology?

No. But, it is open to work with any organizations for the benefit of local community.

  1. Who controls the network?

Volunteers themselves control it. They are free to participate in decision-making and giving suggestions at times or evaluate or critically review the past events.

  1. Is there any restriction for registering Volunteers?

Generally not but would like that persons addicted of certain bad habits and convicted of any crime, and those having communal and sectarian agenda or those who would like to join the network for some selfish motive should avoid to be its part as they will ultimately feel unwelcomed by others.